New, cost effective direct to part carbon tooling material!
360 saves over 80 processing hours when compared with other tooling processes, rendering the final finished tool similar in cost to steel and aluminium, and significantly cheaper than other carbon tooling and Invar. Users enjoy all the benefits of carbon without the cost!
All users need do once they receive their boards is the following quick and easy process:​
Block them up using standard structural adhesives*, either as a solid block or fabricate/tile ‘like black lego’ – see below product video.
Machine the required shape/profile with conventional cutting tools* - there is no carbon dust!
Apply standard release agent, no sealing required*
Autoclave or oven cure and you have your component
Depending upon size/geometry, users can go from ‘raw material to finished tool’ in less than 48 hours.
360 can easily be processed to achieve a matt or high gloss finish and isn’t limited to tooling; it can be used for jigs/fixtures/inserts/intensifiers/stock plate or as a lightweight alternative to metals in structural applications.
CFP hold 360 in stock for immediate delivery or can supply large volumes on short lead times.